Staying Resilient in a Fluid Technology and Threat Landscape

“Resilience” an oft quoted and reasonable ideal that technology professionals and by extension, the businesses they serve strive for. However as anyone that works in the tech industry knows, our digital systems are often anything but and security threats loom like the sword of Damocles.

Business and technology leaders often manage risk by building systems to reduce the likelihood of it crystalizing, which is good. We also have an inclination to assume our risk management systems will work as intended, this is not so good. Technology moves faster than our controls, and as numerous news making breaches have shown, systems fail (and rarely gracefully). Organizations that will stay relevant need to approach security as a series of incremental and changes supported by frequent testing and modelling, akin to how threat actors stay innovative.

In the context of today’s technology and landscape and naturally, the risk associated with the rapid changes we have seen in the last two years, business, security and technology leaders are in an asymmetric playing field. Threat actors typically have a high risk appetite, do not have concerns like responsible PII use and are not terribly bothered by breaking changes. This gives them room to innovate faster than most businesses and also, gives them significant resilience as the cost benefit is heavily skewed in their favour. Like hydra, you cut one head and two more rise to take their place -they are terribly resilient.

At Forrester Technology & Innovation Summit EMEA 2024 we will be exploring resilience from the lens of technology innovation, what valuable lessons we can learn from threat actors and how we can improvise and adapt to overcome the challenges of a fluid threat landscape.

Attendees can expect to learn how to:

  • Approach AI practically in the context of security
  • How to balance business needs when modelling emerging threats
  • How to leverage visibility to boost risk and opportunity

The future is unpredictable and we can take the ostrich approach or keep our eyes open to reality. Join us in London on October 9-11 2024 as we forge a path towards a secure and adaptable future.