Digital Retrofitting with IoT: Make Your Existing Infrastructure Smart

New infrastructure offers increased efficiency, cost savings, and opens up new possibilities. However, many businesses struggle with legacy infrastructure systems that can barely keep pace with the rapid changes necessary to remain competitive. 

The IoT is revolutionizing traditional boundaries, exposing companies to new opportunities through smart connected products. Digital retrofitting is the process of upgrading existing products into connected devices. In doing so, it makes them “smarter” by adding a connectivity layer that enhances their basic features. This digital transformation is changing how we interact with products and services, enabling more efficient, data-driven operations and creating innovative business models.

In this white paper, we will explore the benefits of digital retrofitting, including cost savings, improved lifecycle management, business transformation, efficiency gains, and extended product features. We will address challenges such as costs, technology, and the need for specialized knowledge and expertise.

For example, we will examine a case study of George Fischer AG, a well-established industrial company in the safe transportation of liquids and gasses. Their Hycleen Connect product supports potable water hygiene, comfort, and energy savings in large buildings. Georg Fischer successfully enhanced the capabilities of their existing system by transforming it into a connected infrastructure. The entire implementation dramatically reduced time to market, incurred minimal cost, and led to an improved end-user experience. 

Consequently, by understanding how George Fischer navigated this transition, you’ll gain valuable insights into how your business can overcome similar hurdles. You’ll learn how to achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness through digital retrofitting.

Additionally, we provide a comprehensive guideline for successful implementation. We introduce questions such as: What data do I need? What is the best way to generate and transmit data? How do I process my data? How do I make the data available to my customers? We invite you to download our white paper and hope that it is a valuable resource to upgrade your products.