Can Your Customer Success Strategy Withstand The Heat?

Summer is officially here – and we know this not simply because the calendar says so, but also because the scorching temperatures outside are testing every thermometer’s limits (and ours, too). The intense heat forces us to adapt our plans and navigate unpredictable summer storms, leaving us to pivot quickly to find alternative activities.

Solving our summer plan woes is, at its core, equivalent to devising a strategy. Richard Rumelt, author and academic, states in his book “The Crux”: “Strategy is problem-solving. It is how you overcome the obstacles that stand between where you are and what you want to achieve.” B2B postsale customer leaders are no different, and they too, must devise a strategy that focuses on solving their organizational challenges to help both their customers and their company achieve its goals.

With that, we’re excited to announce new Forrester research that helps B2B postsale customer leaders assess their customer success strategy. The assessment evaluates your CS capabilities across six core categories – their team purpose/charter, strategic alignment, performance metrics/business outcomes/success measures, technology and data readiness, customer journey and lifecycle management, and budget and capacity planning – and produces an evaluation to establish a quantifiable baseline and identify areas for improvement.

B2B customer leaders can use the assessment results to build a structured and repeatable decision-making approach when developing their customer success strategy. When organizations take the right steps, their CS strategy is a growth engine that aligns with other functions such as sales, marketing, and product around core decisions.

How Forrester Can Help

Forrester clients interested in taking the assessment can access it here to get started: The Customer Success Strategy Assessment. After you take the assessment, schedule a guidance session with us to discuss your score, build a plan to improve your CS capabilities, and deliver on your CS strategy.