Users Will Soon Notice a New Discover Tab will soon add a Discover tab to both the customer app and website. This page will educate you, the customer, about the features and capabilities of your system. It will also show recommendations for new features you can set up, or that you can add after discussing with your dealer.

Below, the Discover Tab is shown as seen in the Customer App:

Discover App continues to innovate constantly. They’ll soon be rolling out another innovation in the form of the Discover tab. This will show up as a new menu selection in both the customer app and website. Within the Discover tab, you will see short-form content that empowers you to take full advantage of all the features currently available with your system.

Below, the Discover Tab is shown as seen in the Customer Website:

Discover Web

In addition, the content provided will introduce new features and recommendations for you based on your current system configuration. This will highlight new or additional features you may want to take advantage of. If a feature is currently available with your existing plan, you will see a “Setup” button at the bottom of the section where you can configure the feature. Some cards provide information only. Those cards won’t have a “Setup” option.

There will be four (4) categories of information provided in the Discover Tab. They are:

  • New: This section will contain information about new products and features that are available in Any featured item with a “Setup” button is available to you currently, without adding any equipment or changing your monitoring plan.
  • Recommended: This section will contain ten (10) recommended products and features that you’re currently not using. If a card has a “Learn More” button, clicking it will take you to the knowledge base, where you can learn more about the feature. These options may require a plan or equipment update.
  • Features: Here, you can view general products and features available to use with
  • Expand My System: This section will highlight products and features that you can add to enhance your system and better secure your home or business. These options will usually require you to add products or update your plan.

We don’t have a firm date on when the Discover option will be rolled out. Presumably, it will require an app update, so that’s one way to be on the lookout for it. So far, my app is showing that it’s up to date, so I’ll be on the lookout for an update in the near future. If you try out this new educational resource, drop a comment below and let us know what you think. As always, we look forward to hearing from you!