Smart virtual assistants: how AI can support customer service

The customer service of the future?

Let’s envision what the future of customer service could look like instead:

Over the past months, you have been learning how to surf. Now you’re ready to buy your own board but are unsure which one is the best fit for your level of experience. You come across a surfboard shop in a nearby town that offers a virtual assistant via a Google search. Here’s how the conversation between the two of you could go.

Virtual Assistant: Hi! Are you looking for anything specific?

You: I am looking for my first surfboard. I am still pretty new to surfing and want one that is easy to handle, but that I can also use as I become more skilled.

Virtual Assistant: Congrats on picking up surfing as a hobby! Where do you plan to go surfing?

You: I am located here at the Atlantic Coast, but I also travel a lot across Europe with my van and want to take my surfboard with me.

Virtual Assistant: Got it. Are there any boards that you have tried out before? Which features did you like? Is there anything else I should know before I make suggestions?

You: [sends two images] Here are two boards that I got to try in surf school. I liked how steady they were but am looking for one that’s easier to maneuver.

Virtual Assistant: It looks like you’ve tried out longboards before. Based on your descriptions, a hybrid surfboard might be a better choice. You can learn more about different types of surfboards here. And here are some of the models that we have in stock.

You: They look good. Is there a way that I can test the first two?

Virtual assistant: Absolutely. The team at our Calais location would love to get to know you. They are available from Tuesday to Friday, 9 am to 3 pm. Would you like me to book a meeting for you and reserve test boards?

Did you notice any differences between the conversation above and the chatbot behavior we’ve become used to? First, the assistant is able to respond to a wider range of questions. Secondly, it can identify elements on images and translate them into text. Thirdly, it can access calendars within the retail company, book meetings and even equipment. And finally, the language used by the assistant is more informal and matches the conversation that would be appropriate in physical stores. A generative AI tool that has been trained for this kind of conversation and is integrated into the IT infrastructure of the company makes this all possible.