Automated machine learning: The revolution of artificial intelligence
The tools for AutoML
Today, many different tools and solutions from various providers are available for AutoML. Google CloudML or Azure ML, for example, provide AutoML services via a cloud-based platform. Google Cloud AutoML is a complete machine learning product suite and is fully integrated into the Google Cloud service. In contrast, Azure Automated ML is based on the highly scalable Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Some of the platforms for AutoML provide users with graphical user interfaces to create and train custom machine learning models with visual support. Most platforms are suited for automating small and manageable process steps. Here, too, humans are still needed for large and complex ones.
The Scope
Just like manual machine learning, AutoML is applicable in many domains. Especially classification tasks are typical use cases. Here, the technology is used to create, train, optimize, and deploy machine learning models. Examples are applications in image recognition, fraud detection, sales prediction, marketing, robotics, predictive maintenance, text analysis, and speech recognition.