Mass-scale IoT is creating new tech, models and partnerships

Now at a massive scale, the IoT market could begin to contract unless we learn from visionaries like the experts at Telit Cinterion. In this illuminating piece, Florian Denzin, the Director of IoT Product Strategy explains how new tech, models and partnerships can reduce the threat landscape, get compliance processes moving faster and lay the foundation for ongoing hyperscale. This layers on nicely with insights from Analyst firm IoT Analytics who lay bare the predictions of a global number of connections that double from 2022-2027 and, at the end of its current prediction horizon, herald more than 29 billion active IoT endpoints.

This white paper includes interviews, market reviews and case studies across:

  • The impact of scale on compliance and security – To get the right deployment at scale, you must consider your application’s data needs, communication time required, the specifics of your market, manufacturers’ lead times and chipset selection.
  • Why partners matter – Bringing in a support partner frees you up to focus on your business and the new IoT-enabled model you’re adopting. It benefits from proven processes and roadmaps that are transitory from one partner to the other.
  • Where IoT is now – In the modern day, IoT is proven, secure, robust and flexible so organisations that didn’t have the stomach to commit to large-scale projects in the past can now do so with confidence.
  • How tech choice is changing – Just take the cellular space…RedCap and LTE Cat mean that organisations can better align this tech to their use case and the marketplace is widening.
  • Case studies in IoT at scale – Explore how Lantech worked with Telit Cinterion to boost machine uptime and performance, increase load quality, cut shipment costs and layer in environmental impact measurement.

No matter where you are in your IoT adoption journey, this piece from Telit Cinterion will shed light on how partnerships; together with secure, robust innovations that enable advanced edge logic, cloud connectivity and secure remote access, are changing the IoT game.