AdInMo updates InGamePlay for non-interruptive in-game ads

AdInMo, a player-centric monetization platform for mobile game developers, has announced the beta release of its InGamePlay software development kit (SDK) 3.0.

InGamePlay 3.0 builds on AdInMo’s existing tech stack which offers multi-format non-interruptive immersive advertising.

The latest SDK launches clickable in-game ads designed with the player experience at the forefront, driving better monetization for free-to-play developers and higher engagement for advertisers.

One of the unique ways AdInMo’s SDK drives intentional clicks is through the ‘InGamePlay Magnifier’, which spotlights an ad within the game environment to improve its viewability.

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The SDK also features customisable visual options, such as a glowing or pulsing placement border to signify to the player whether an ad is clickable. Gameplay is not affected because the game is paused as soon as the player chooses to interact with the ad, and then is frictionlessly returned to the game.

Players know that objects are interactive in a game world. AdInMo has harnessed this mechanic to integrate advertising in an immersive and non disruptive way. Engaging with the ad will always be the player’s choice, making clicks intentional which is highly valuable for both advertisers and developers.

Kristan Rivers is CEO of AdInMo.

AdInMo CEO Kristan Rivers, said in a statement, “Making a game that generates sustainable revenue while still being joyful for players is the perennial balancing act for developers. Our latest SDK offers a frictionless way to increase the effectiveness of in-game advertising without impacting the player experience and crucially gives developers more ways to make money.”

InGamePlay 3.0 SDK utilizes AdInMo’s data-led PlayerPersonaFramework, to target the right player audiences with the right message which could be a brand awareness, direct response or in-app campaign using AdInMo’s new hybrid-monetization solutions.

“The games industry is gearing up to a future where free-to-play is dominated by hybrid-monetization,” Rivers said. “Our new clickable ad placements can already be used to advertise a developer’s portfolio in-game with our CrossPromo feature and that’s just the start of AdInMo’s hybrid monetization roll out this summer.”

The new SDK is currently in beta.